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Resultater (94)
  • Kvinder med falske overskæg der deler badges ud

    Et historisk højt antal kvinder er valgt til Folketinget. Det er gode nyheder for demokratiet.

  • Militærmand, der holder Burkina Fasos flag

    Den 30. september 2022 blev det uroplagede land udsat for endnu et militærkup – det andet på bare otte måneder. Militæret, der står bag kuppene, har ønsket at bekæmpe de militante jihadistgrupperinger, der hærger i den nordlige del af landet. Foreløbigt er angrebene i Sahelstaten kun intensiveret

  • FOTO: People Dialogue Festival

    Social media are vital in Kenya, as they can connect and engage people beyond ethnic stereotypes. However, a rising number of political campaigns are spread systematically, containing fake news and disinformation undermining the election process.

  • Unge i Nepal

    Nepalese youth have taken up important positions in the political parties as they have been trained in news skills, democratic collaboration, and leadership.

  • Ung Kenyansk mand med mikrofon, der som en del af et publikum stiller et spørgsmål

    Traditionally, Kenyan political culture has been mostly top-down and based on one-way communication. Changes for a more inclusive political culture is seeing light in Kenya.

  • Billede af det Ukrainske flag

    Angrebet mod Ukraine og den ukrainske befolkning er et angreb på demokratiet.

  • Nytårskur 2022

    Hvordan står det til med demokratiet, uligheden, ligestillingen og unges engagement i politik? Sammen med Katja Iversen, Nadeen Aiche, Rune Lykkeberg og Flemming Møller Mortensen kiggede DIPD tilbage på det år, som er gået, og debatterede, hvad vi kan forvente af det år, som kommer.

  • Lisbeth Pilegaard - portrait

    What will 2022 bring? In terms of democracy, well, it’s hard to say but I think we can agree that 2022 will be another year where we will see democracies struggle. Struggle with autocrats and autocratic regimes, who increasingly have been able to build their power and influence, and crack down on independent media, civil society, activists, and political opponents. Actions that fragment and weaken the democratic fabric and the future aspirations of any society.

  • people reaching their hands in the air

    Læringen fra DIPD’s indsatser gennem ti år peger også på at holdbare resultater opnås med fælles ideologiske referencerammer og helt klart med fravær af donor/modtager-forhold.

  • Fra kvindelige politikeres FB profiler

    Både enkeltpersoner og organiserede troldehære går efter kvindelige politikere, aktivister og debattører med trusler og chikane. Det er et demokratisk problem, når kvinder trues til tavshed eller manipuleres til selvcensur. Vi skal se på hvordan de sociale medier fungerer. Og selvom vi måske er politisk uenige, kan vi alle støtte kvinder, der chikaneres på nettet og arbejde for lighed i politisk repræsentation.

  • Frank Mulwanja, Clara Halvorsen, DIPD Democracy Festival 2021

    Democracy Festivals are a valuable tool to strengthen debate and policymaking, even in volatile political situations. Flexibility, direct dialogue, and adaptation to local contexts are key points in planning a democracy festival.

  • EECMD møde

    Med en digital platform for borgerinddragelse og politisk dialog står oppositionspartierne i Georgien stærkere. De har fået en effektiv kanal til at række ud og udvikle demokratiske samtaler med de vælgere, som ellers knap ved at partierne findes.

  • Ung politiker i Nepal

    Nepal’s political climate is generally marked by intense competition and sharp confrontation. JOMPOPS – the platform of major political parties in Nepal - works towards promoting multiparty culture. The platform is supported by DIPD and regularly seeks inspiration from Denmark on how to strengthen multiparty collaboration. Here DIPD Country Representative, Shrishti Rana, reflects on recent experiences and specific activities from the field.

  • BNEW gender scrutiny workshop 2

    Achieving gender equality in politics takes commitment. Parliamentarians in Bhutan came together on a workshop organized by the DIPD partner BNEW, committed to act. They agreed on an action plan to encourage women participation in politics and leadership. The plan includes legislative, policy and budgetary measures.   

  • Online session with Lsibeth Pilegaard and Yildiz Akdogan - BNEW, Bhutan

    Securing women a place towards the top of ballots and mentoring aspiring female politicians. A gender workshop in Bhutan explores how to increase gender equality in politics. Inspiration and specific tools from Denmark focus on the responsibilities of political parties. For both countries, the bottom line is still that women have to work harder than men to claim their space.

  • Election campaign Ghana december 2020

    Ghana’s image as a beacon for democracy in West Africa is fading. The latest election has left the country with a hung parliament and a problematic political culture. Political decentralisation can mitigate the challenges to Ghanaian democracy

  • participants in training of women politicians Bhutan March 2021- cropped

    Social media is feared by many female politicians for harsh, snide comments and often even sexual harassment. This counts for Bhutan as well as Denmark. But social media can also be a tool to break out of the often male-dominated arena of traditional media and enter politics standing on one’s own feet.

  • Panelists at Women Who Lead 3.4.2021

    With immense power to inspire, four women leaders from national parliaments to community activism got together to share their stories of why and how they fight for what they think is right. Participants from all five continents joined in this celebration of International Women's Day 2021, stressing how important it is to promote the career and successes of women leaders and change-makers. .

  • Pandemic backsliding world map by V-dem

    Verden over er både nye og gamle demokratier under pres på grund af tiltagene mod Corona. Men krisen skaber også nye metoder til samarbejde, engagement og demokratisk dialog

  • Women in politics

    A report on the Christiansborg 2012 seminar.