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Resultater (26)
  • Kvinde til workshop i Colombia

    Colombia har afholdt lokalvalg og frivillige fra Enhedslisten var til stede som valgobservatører. De talte med flere kvindelige kandidater om deres motivation for at stille op – men også om de udfordringer, de står overfor som kvinder i et ustabilt demokratisk system.

  • Levan Tsutskiridze

    Til trods for at Georgien siden sin uafhængighed har bevæget sig i en demokratisk retning, har regeringen vendt sig mod autokratiet og er blevet mere og mere pro-russisk. DIPD har talt med Levan Tsutskiridze, direktør for the Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy (EECMD) om udsigterne for demokratiet i Georgien.

  • Angela Ocampo og Mayra Acuña i Danmark

    Kvinder og LGBTIQ+-personer i Colombia bliver udsat for kønnet og politisk vold – også i de sociale bevægelser, der arbejder for forandring og inklusion. Det fortæller forpersonen for organisationen La Manada Feminista. Enhedslisten har indgået i et ny partnerskab med La Manada Feminista for at styrke deres feministiske arbejde i landet.

  • Nordmakedoniske flag og EU flag

    En autokratisk bølger skyller lige nu hen over verden og mange lande bliver fanget i krydsilden mellem demokrati og diktatur. Lande på Vestbalkan oplever at være splittet mellem det russiske regime og ønsket om EU-medlemskab og en plads ved demokratiets bord.

  • Folkemøde Kenya 23

    I Nairobi, i nationalmuseets smukke have, ligger der et lille stykke af Bornholm. Sådan føltes det i hvert fald, da vi, repræsentanter fra fire partier, deltog i det kenyanske folkemøde, ”The People Dialogue Festival”.

  • FOTO: People Dialogue Festival

    Social media are vital in Kenya, as they can connect and engage people beyond ethnic stereotypes. However, a rising number of political campaigns are spread systematically, containing fake news and disinformation undermining the election process.

  • Ung Kenyansk mand med mikrofon, der som en del af et publikum stiller et spørgsmål

    Traditionally, Kenyan political culture has been mostly top-down and based on one-way communication. Changes for a more inclusive political culture is seeing light in Kenya.

  • Lisbeth Pilegaard - portrait

    What will 2022 bring? In terms of democracy, well, it’s hard to say but I think we can agree that 2022 will be another year where we will see democracies struggle. Struggle with autocrats and autocratic regimes, who increasingly have been able to build their power and influence, and crack down on independent media, civil society, activists, and political opponents. Actions that fragment and weaken the democratic fabric and the future aspirations of any society.

  • people reaching their hands in the air

    Læringen fra DIPD’s indsatser gennem ti år peger også på at holdbare resultater opnås med fælles ideologiske referencerammer og helt klart med fravær af donor/modtager-forhold.

  • Frank Mulwanja, Clara Halvorsen, DIPD Democracy Festival 2021

    Democracy Festivals are a valuable tool to strengthen debate and policymaking, even in volatile political situations. Flexibility, direct dialogue, and adaptation to local contexts are key points in planning a democracy festival.

  • Ung politiker i Nepal

    Nepal’s political climate is generally marked by intense competition and sharp confrontation. JOMPOPS – the platform of major political parties in Nepal - works towards promoting multiparty culture. The platform is supported by DIPD and regularly seeks inspiration from Denmark on how to strengthen multiparty collaboration. Here DIPD Country Representative, Shrishti Rana, reflects on recent experiences and specific activities from the field.

  • BNEW gender scrutiny workshop 2

    Achieving gender equality in politics takes commitment. Parliamentarians in Bhutan came together on a workshop organized by the DIPD partner BNEW, committed to act. They agreed on an action plan to encourage women participation in politics and leadership. The plan includes legislative, policy and budgetary measures.   

  • Election campaign Ghana december 2020

    Ghana’s image as a beacon for democracy in West Africa is fading. The latest election has left the country with a hung parliament and a problematic political culture. Political decentralisation can mitigate the challenges to Ghanaian democracy

  • Panelists at Women Who Lead 3.4.2021

    With immense power to inspire, four women leaders from national parliaments to community activism got together to share their stories of why and how they fight for what they think is right. Participants from all five continents joined in this celebration of International Women's Day 2021, stressing how important it is to promote the career and successes of women leaders and change-makers. .

  • Pandemic backsliding world map by V-dem

    Verden over er både nye og gamle demokratier under pres på grund af tiltagene mod Corona. Men krisen skaber også nye metoder til samarbejde, engagement og demokratisk dialog

  • Udviklingsminister Flemming Møller Mortensen

    Sammenhængen mellem indsatser mod ulighed og for demokrati var den røde tråd igennem samtalen med Udviklingsministeren til DIPD’s Nytårskur 2021. Ministeren understregede også regeringens prioriteter for den nye udviklingspolitiske strategi

  • Coallage of BNEW working digitally

    While the pandemic has created difficult conditions for many of DIPD's partners around the world, new opportunities have also emerged in its wake. In Bhutan, digital meetings help a network of women in politics intensify their reach and engagement

  • Muslimske vælgere efter afstemning i Myanmar

    Webinar viser udbredt enighed blandt udviklingspolitiske ordførere, eksperter og forskere om, hvor vigtigt det er, at Danmark fortsætter sin støtte til demokrati og civilsamfundet i Myanmar. Spørgsmålet er hvordan.

  • Cover: Political Parties and Human Rights

    An Introduction to the relationship between political parties and human rights

  • Cover: Coalition Building

    An introduction to the century long experiences of coalition governments in the Nordic countries. Lessons and conclusions draw a bridge to the current political realities in DIPD partner countries