
Med 150 år som parti og 11 statsministerposter er Venstre har Venstre haft stor indflydelse på Danmarks udvikling


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Liberal Party of Denmark


Troels Lund Poulsen

Mandater i Folketinget
23 af 179 mandater

Repræsentanter i DIPD's bestyrelse
1. Næstformand Christoffer Aagaard Melson

Et af de ældste partier i Danmark, Venstre, er funderet i den liberale tradition med fokus på individets frihed, det frie marked og liberalisering af den private sektor. Venstre har været i regering mange gange. Det var Venstre, der stillede med Danmarks første statsminister, da parlamentarismen blev indført i 1901 og partiet har haft statsministerposten 11 gange siden. 

Efter folketingsvalget i 2022 er Venstre medlem af en koalitionsregering under Statsminister Mette Frederiksen.

Mere information

Besøg Venstres hjemmeside.

Venstre logo


Kontaktperson, Danish Liberal Democracy Programme
Kontaktperson, Danish Liberal Democracy Programme
Kontaktperson, Danish Liberal Democracy Programme

DIPD Partnerskaber

democracy festival kenya
Politisk dialog, Unge i politik

The Danish Liberal Party work with CMD-K in stregthening multiparty democracy in Kenya.

People from Democratic Alliance South Africa in matching party t-shirts
Inkluderende partier

Moving from being an opposition party to gaining power poses new challenges. The Liberal Party and Democratic Alliance exchange knowledge on how to govern locally.

Kvinder i Kenya til Folkemøde
Inkluderende partier, Kvinder i politik

Six parties in Denmark are working together to enhance the representation and influence of women in local politics in various countries.

Interns Myanmar 2018
Politisk dialog, Inkluderende partier, Unge i politik, Kvinder i politik

Together with the three Danish political parties, the Green Left, the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party, the DIPD Country Office in Myanmar cooperates with the political parties of Myanmar to support the democratic transition. 

Mentees and mentors Malawi
Politisk dialog, Kvinder i politik

In Malawi the Liberal Party, the Socialist People's party and DIPD work together with DanChurchAid Malawi and two local organisations to implement a project with funding from the EU focusing on strengthening young womens political participation and influence. The project is called Young Women in Active Politics (YWAP) and as been extended to the end of August 2021 due to COVID19.