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A strong Social Democratic future in Burkina Faso

The Social Democratic Party (SDP), People’s Movement in Progress (MPP) 

The Social Democratic Party partners with MPP in Burkina Faso on strengthening their organisational skills.

The Danish Social Democratic Party is cooperating with the centre-left government party in Burkina Faso People’s Movement for Progress (MPP). The partnership aims at supporting the party’s organisational processes and social-democratic policy development, while strengthening the involvement of youth and women in politics.  

Partnership Facts

Danish partner: The Social Democratic Party (SDP) 

Local partner: People’s Movement in Progress (MPP) 

Project: 2018  - 2020

A strengthening of these key democratic functions in political parties in Burkina Faso is considered important in a stronger democracy and helps ensure that more qualified candidates run for elections, including more women and youth. 

Working towards these goals the Social Democratic Party conducts seminars for the MPP parliamentary group on various topics, which are crucial for a strong democratic party leadership. At the same time SDP facilitate trainings for future youth and women political leaders. Furthermore, the partnership works towards creating dialogue between the two parties on the state of social democracy today across cultural and socio-economic set-ups.